final exam

by - 5:46 PM


I will dedicate this one post for the final exam only.

why? dont know. but i've never felt good when this time is coming. especially with my stardew valley farm big project running around happily inside my head :(


oh, and i still had some unsolved matters with my internship. moreover, my short course permission were highly depend on it. and the kiln experiment data result which were somehow.....not like I had expected before?

and this term subjects.....hmmmmm. as I said before, this term subjects were a very-very nice yet scary combination between theories, formulas, and numbers. like; the hardest one I ever felt? because I still had to remember tons of theories while also perform some calculation excercises. I prefer only excercises.....with A4 sheet allowed, ofc :(

hmhm. then.. well, however, I shouldnt be confused back then.

there will be no matter burdened harder than someone can actually hold, right?

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…” 
(QS Al-Baqarah(2):286)

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